
明けましておめでとうございます。コロナパンデミックで大変な中でのスタートとなった2021年ですが、子供たちの成長は待ってくれません。Returned Kids東京校は感染に対する注意を払いながら教室での授業を継続していきます。今日からSnack timeには近くの公園でお菓子を食べることにしました。みんなで仲良く公園に向かう写真です。

Show & Tellのテーマは「2020年に起こった良い出来事」でした。いくつか生徒の発表を紹介します。



The best thing in 2020 was to go to Aomori prefecture. I was curious about Nebuta museum. I got on the ship and I got a big Oniyama. I went to the hotel in Aomori prefecture. Hot spring was so hot. After taking hot spring, I saw Nebuta festival and it was amazing. The second best thing was to pass Eiken 3rd grade. My grandmother gave me a game called Minecraft for a present. I was so happy.



I was happy when we went to the school because I thought we couldn't go to the school because of the COVID-19. I was also happy when I ate the Toshi Koshi soba and one of my little tooth fell out. I thought the tooth fell out in the soup but I drunk it with the soba so I was really sad.