
今日のShow & Tellのテーマは「お年玉で買いたいもの/したいこと」でした。Show & Tellではいつも誰が一番最初に発表するかで競い合いますね。子供なのに自分の意見を発表したい、みんなに聞いてもらいたいという姿勢は素晴らしいなといつも感心しています。いくつか生徒の発表を紹介します。




I want to save my money that I got from my parents. Because my parents are working very hard and giving us those money. And another reason is that sometimes natural disasters would happen in Japan, so it might burn down our house and stuff in the house. Therefore I thought I should save my money.



I want to use my Otoshidama when my parents get pour. Then I can buy food and drinks, and be healthy. Or maybe a toy. Because it's fun to play. Or tools for cooking. Because I like cooking with my mom and it's fun.