今日はSnack timeに近くの神社へ行きました(写真をご覧ください)。今日はとても暑かったですが子供たちは汗だくになるまで遊びました。水筒が1つでは足らない生徒が沢山いましたが、ある生徒は水筒を2つ持ってきていて準備ばっちりでした(賢いですね!)。
Show & Tellのテーマは「Gから始まるもの」でした。動物が多かったですね。それでは生徒の発表をいくつか紹介します。
I found the word Giraffe. Giraffe is an animal that is striped with white and brown. Their babies fall to the ground 2 meters height. Their height is about 4-5 meters. Giraffes eat tree leaf and grass. If giraffes are living in a zoo, they can live for 20-25 years. But if they are wild, they will live 10-15 years.
Question: Human being neck's bone is about 7 bones. How many bones does a giraffe have?
① 7、② 20、③ 30
The answer is ① 7 bones.
The word I chose starting with G is Giraffe. I chose the word giraffe because they are interesting. They have blue tongue and they are very tall. Even baby giraffes are taller than human adults. I can see giraffes at the zoo but it is rare to see them not at the zoo. I think giraffes are a little funny.
The word I chose starting from G is a Gorilla. I chose a Gorilla because gorillas are very strong and they are kind of bald so it's funny. They also look kind of strange. I've seen gorillas in the zoo but not in the wild. Also gorillas sometimes save people so I thought gorillas are scary but sometimes they are kind.