
今日のShow & Tellのテーマは「ビーチに持参したいもの」でした。家族や友達とビーチでバレーボールをして遊びたい、という発表がいくつかありましたね。そろそろ本格的に暑くなってきましたのでビーチに行きたいですね!

写真はある生徒のShow & Tell ノートです。




I want to have an Automatic surfboard to the beach. I want to bring an automatic surfboard to the beach because I am very bad at surfboarding especially on the waves, though I haven't surfed on the waves before, but I know I am very bad. As the automatic surfboard is automatic, it can probably do a backflip. Also this automatic surfboard is what I made up, so I don't think their is an automatic surfboard in shops.



I want to bring a glass box to the beach. I want to bring it because I can put shells and sand into it. Also if I can make a lot of those, I can make my own collection. I thought it is going to be very cool, so I want to try to do it.



When I was in Melbourne, I went to the beach in the summer. I brought a bathing suit and towel for swimming. I like to eat foods at the beach. After swimming, I was eating chips, ice cream and apple juice. I also like to play at the beach. I was building a sand castle and then was breaking it. A shovel and bucket helped me to build a sand castle. I hope I can go to the beach in Japan in this summer.