今日のShow & Tellは「あなたは新種の野菜を開発しました。どんな野菜ですか?」でした。野菜嫌いでも食べれる野菜、頭が良くなる野菜、体が強くなる野菜、病気が治る野菜などなど子供ならではの自由な発想から生まれてくる素敵な野菜が沢山でてきましたね。いつか皆さんがこんな野菜を本当に開発してくれることを願っています!
The name is Clear Onion. I invented this vegetable to help kids who don't like to eat vegetables. At first, the color is brown, then if you peel it, the red skin appear, then the yellow skin appear, the white skin and finally after you peel the white skin, it will be clear. That is the part you can eat. The more you peel, the more circular its shape will be. It is really sweat and it grows on trees. Also, the parents can't see Clear Onion but kids can see it and taste it.
If I could make a new vegetable, I would make a vegetable called Sourlett. It is a vegetable that is sour but like lettuce. It's a little smaller than a normal lettuce, but the leaves are bigger than lettuce. It grows on a tree like apples but the seeds are found underground and it's really deep. If you eat it, you can deal with the heat even if it were really hot. The color is yellow and Sourlett is really rare!!
