Show & Tellのテーマは「Extraordinaryな体験」でした。帰国時に隔離されたこと、10匹の猫を飼ったこと、年の離れた弟が生まれたこと等、Extraordinaryな経験を皆さんされているようですね。
(写真はSnack time中にジェスチャーゲームをして遊んでいる様子です。)
My extraordinary experience is that I can talk 3 languages. First I can talk Japanese, English and German, but I'm not that good at English and German. About English, I can talk so so but German is very bad, because I didn't talk German for years. I want to keep English and German as much as possible for my future.
Something extraordinary that happened to me is that the tooth fairy came and took the tooth out of the bag and put money into the bag. The first time it didn't bring money, but the second time it had money in it. I was so happy when I saw the money in it in the second time. I put money into the piggy bank. I didn't use the money in the piggy bank yet. I think the tooth fairy has a red skirt and a pink T-shirt.