本日は雨で寒かったですが8名の生徒が参加してくれました。写真はGroup workで生徒同士で話し合いをしている光景です。今年初めてのLara先生との授業でしたので、Warm upではクリスマスや年末年始をどのように過ごしたか、今年の干支のDragonについて話をして盛り上がりました。
本日のShow & Tellのテーマは「Tell me a time when you conquered a fear」でした。それでは生徒の発表を紹介します。
I'll explain about when I was scared about doing a somersault in the pool. When I as in a pink level in the swimming pool and I needed to advance to the next orange level, I needed to swim then meters by crawl without taking in air between strokes and jump bubbling ten times in a pool with 1.5 meters and somersault. I was good at the other ones but I wasn't good at the somersault. I had never been able to do somersault because I was scared that the water would come in from my nose. But then it was the time for test so I wanted to advance to orange level. So I pulled myself together and I did it. The water didn't come in to my nose. I am no longer scared anymore.
